Margin Solutions

Optimize Your Hospital's Margins

Margin Solutions provides your hospital proven solutions to increase revenues and decrease expenses to generate new cash flows. Margin Solutions specializes in implementing solutions that get overlooked due to the daily demands of running a hospital.

Why Margin Solutions? Here's three great reasons.


100% proven success! Margin Solutions results in new, high value, countable new net/net cash.

4% NPR

We guarantee new net/net cash equal to 4% of your Net Patient Revenue (NPR).


Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. There’s never a fee until we produce new net/net cash. Seriously.

Margin Solutions Addresses:

•    Low operating margins
•    Declining patient revenues
•    Increasing expenses
•    Limited staffing resources 

Schedule an Introductory Meeting Today!

Margin Solutions Effectively:

•    Immediately increases operational margins with no layoffs
•    Achieves quantifiable new dollar results faster
•    Has zero upfront costs and no out-of-pocket costs
•    Optimizes staff assignments 


We Do The Work

Margin Solutions does all the work, without interfering with the hospital’s day-to-day workflow, pattern and priorities. It is designed to be implemented with very little effort on your part, requiring on average no more than 4 hours per month divided among 4 hospital staff (e.g., one hour per week).

No Out-Of-Pocket Fees

There is no financial risk for your hospital with Margin Solutions. There are zero up-front or zero out-of-pocket fees. 100% of what we do is proven-in-practice repeatedly and successfully implemented, allowing us to offer a contractually guaranteed net/net cash equal to 4% of your Net Patient Revenue (NPR).

How Does Margin Solutions Work?

Our 4-part process has been implemented in hundreds of hospitals just like yours. Building on this success allows us to improve your cash flow quickly and effectively. 


Our team will assess your pain points and review the cash-related solutions you have implemented in the past.


We create a custom plan and prioritize our solutions which maximize new net/net cash for your organization. 


The Margins Solutions experts implement and coordinate a plan and provide a dedicated project manager for your organization.


We perform on-going program evaluation and regular reports that demonstrate new net/net cash and benefits to your organization. 

Client Testimonial

Microscope Customer Endorsement Camie_Patterson

I have worked closely and effectively with the Margin Solutions consultants at three different hospitals where I was CFO or COO. The Margin Solutions team are always professional, pleasant and cash-results oriented.

At each hospital, they successfully provided their margin-enhancing services on a risk-free basis for the three organizations.

Margin Solutions serves with zero upfront costs and zero out of pocket costs. All three hospitals experienced a material increase in operating margins. I’m happy to recommend Margin Solutions for your hospital.

—Camie Patterson

Contact Us Today To Get Started

Richard Kunnes, MD
Managing Principal

(972)849-7942 / rkunnes(at)

Richard Kunnes, MD

Schedule a 15 minute meeting. 

William N. Wildridge III, CPA
CEO/Managing Partner

(315)430-6838 / wwildridge(at)

William N. Wildridge III, CPA