The Alphabet Soup of Healthcare

The Alphabet Soup of Healthcare

Sometimes it seems like the Skilled Nursing Industry just can’t be complete without a little Alphabet Soup. What is the importance of OSA, QRP, SPADEs, GG, PHQ, ADL, NHQI, GG, VBP, and QM? What do they have in common? And, what are they anyway?

Well, hang on for a wild ride because there is a lot to unpack!

In the fall of 2022, CMS released the first draft of what SNF providers can expect for the Minimum Data Set (MDS) this coming October 1 of 2023. It is a combination of intended changes that were halted during the public health emergency, some that were expected to be rolled out in the next few years, and some that were quite a surprise. Since the draft was released, CMS has made some notable changes including the return of the optional state assessment, which was left out of the original draft. The fact that the optional state assessment has returned is a relief to many states that utilize this needed tool for payment calculation. Don’t get too excited about it yet, as there is still much to learn about exactly how the calculations will be made, especially with the loss of many items needed to accurately calculate a RUG level.

We have MDS changes almost every year – so what’s this big deal this time? Well, a lot. Interviews are changing; documentation requirements are increasing; MDSs are more expansive and require much more information; the need for accuracy is at an all-time high to ensure optimized compliance and reimbursement, and potential penalties will increase in number and severity.

What does that have to do with the Alphabet Soup? – Alphabet Soup may be easier to swallow than what we have coming our way. The acronyms above are all intertwined into our payment, quality, and public reporting. Acronyms are the bread and butter of what we do. (See what I did there?)

Preparing for the upcoming MDS changes is imperative to ensuring organizational success and sustainability so that that penalties are not assessed or at least mitigated, revenue is maximized, and our public reporting is appealing to all appropriate stakeholders.

Now is the time to get serious in preparing for the upcoming MDS changes this October that will impact every skilled nursing facility. 

Please join us for our webinar presentation:

 "Preparing For The Upcoming MDS Changes - Getting Your House In Order!"

July 18th from 12-1 PM (EST)


For more information, please contact:

Camille Jones, RN, RAC-CT / cjones(at)

Camille Jones.png


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